May 11, 2016
Josephine Moon has stopped by the blog! Her first novel, THE TEA CHEST (2014) and her second, THE CHOCOLATE PROMISE (2015) were both bestsellers. Her books have a strong theme and a sharp focus on family and relationships. I'm excited she's agreed to talk about the bees in her latest novel, T...
May 9, 2016 | RRP$29.99 (ebook also available)
Bees populate the pages of the latest novel, THE BEEKEEPER’S SECRET by bestselling author, Josephine Moon. Maria Lindsey, a former nun, spends her days tending the hives at Honeybee Haven and making products to sell to raise money for orphaned children. This is the face she presents to the wor...
September 2, 2015 | A & U
The Chocolate Apothecary where this story is set, is an artisan store in Tasmania. It is owned and run by the cheerily named Christmas Livingstone. Christmas has created a list of ten rules for happiness to live by, the most important of which is ‘no romantic relationships.’ CHRISTMAS LIVIN...